Hi all, sorry for coming late to the party, my reading of the list is ... spotty. No objections from me on splitting up good old "Tumme.el" :), and thanks for asking. It was a while since I looked at the full code, but I can imagine it could be structured better. After all, what started as a few keyboard macros I needed to quickly organize my photos back then grew into something I never imagined... People seem to have made quite a few enhancements and fixes over the years, some have asked me about it but I suspect people have done silent maintenance of it as well, and I am very happy for that, and also happy to see it is still alive and that it might benefit users after so many years. I also cannot refute feeling some sort of "pride" in having a fellow countryman doing some heavy lifting on the code base again :-) (as if the work done by Lars over at our little brother country was not enough... :-p ) Anyway, many thanks for doing work on this. Go go go! /Mathias PS. I have not looked at it for so many years, but I am kind of surprised to hear the gallery/HTML/generating stuff is still in there. That, if anything, was a really unfinished hack, but with good intentions of course. I was most happy with the thumbnail generation and display, and the generally efficient workflows you could get in browsing and organizing your pictures. And I liked the tags idea as well...