I can take a look at it. However, the experience I had with the previous bug was that it's immensely hard to follow what happens when it comes to frame resizing and placement. So what I will do is to first reimplement the NSTRACE package and then start looking for the problem. By the way, is there some kind of deadline coming up?
Also, things are starting to get so complicated so that we would need to state what each concept mean so that they can be implemented the same way on all systems. (When I wrote my "multicolumn" package I found tons and tons of things that differed between systems, I just want to make sure we don't introduce more such things.) In addition, we really must write test cases automatically walking through all transitions, ensuring that nothing breaks in the future, but also as this is a good way to describe the intended behavior.
I don't know what you mean by "fullboth", so I can't comment on what would happen when you collate "fullscreen" and "fullboth".
/ Anders