Dear All,

I was wondering how many states a checkbox has.
Based on I conclude that there are 3 states:
1. [   ] - not done
2. [ - ] - an intermediate state
3. [X] - done

So I think all 3 states should be available to choose from in the function 'org-columns-next-allowed-value'' 
for functions that use checkboxes. 
In code this is a line

So I would change it from this:
-      (`(,_ ,_ ,_ ,(or "X" "X/" "X%") ,_) '("[ ]" "[X]")))
to that:
+     (`(,_ ,_ ,_ ,(or "X" "X/" "X%") ,_) '("[ ]" "[-]" "[X]")))

What do you think? 

Sławomir Grochowski