features helps a lot in user interface.
Help users to feel better, more comfortable and prevent from being lost.
And it's kind of similar behavior to -> pressing the <tab> key for completion in 'minibuffer commands' like M-x, find-file, apropos etc.
To make it simple it should be limited to only a minibuffer similar to the <tab> completion system.
Because which-key package allows you to display it in another buffer or frame. But that would be too much complexity.

On Fri, 16 Sept 2022 at 18:50, Philip Kaludercic <> wrote:
Stefan Kangas <> writes:

> Philip Kaludercic <> writes:
>> Would having a "quick-help" menu along these lines for common
>> operations make sense for GNU Emacs as well?
> See also `which-keys', a package that I think is useful enough that we
> should distribute and enable it by default.

I hear this a lot, but it seems to me that the "feel" (for lack of a
better word) for which-keys is different from everything else in Emacs
by default.  Window management can be fragile enough to begin with, but
having a mode enabled by default that disturbs the current window layout
and visible parts of the buffer whenever a user isn't quick enough -- in
other words does nothing -- is something I don't think should be the
case by default.