Have you tried the settings below?

(global-set-key [print]       'one-function-to-print)
(global-set-key [C-print]     'other-function-to-print)
(global-set-key [C-M-print]   'another-function-to-print)

In my laptop:

On Fri, Feb 10, 2023 at 11:49 PM T.V Raman <raman@google.com> wrote:
Vinicius Latorre <viniciusjl.gnu@gmail.com> writes:

That's what shows the <print> :-)

The answer to my problem was to use xmodmap -pk | grep -i print.

Dont know where the angle-brackets in <print> come from which is what
tripped up my original attempt at solving the question which in its
turned initited the question.
> Maybe type C-h k and then type the key you wish to use, Emacs will display the key name and whatever is
> associated with this key.
> On Fri, Feb 10, 2023 at 2:02 PM T.V Raman <raman@google.com> wrote:
>  On my laptop running X and stumpwm ie none of the Gnome magic loaded:
>  The  second key to the right of the spacebar delivers <print> to
>  Emacs.
>  I'd like to change this to Super_L  modifier if possible; is there
>  some way of figuring out the keycode it delivers from the emacs side?
>  Note; the "obvious" X answer, use xev wont work for me since I cannot
>  see ...
>  --
>  Thanks,
>  --Raman(I Search, I Find, I Misplace, I Research)
>  ♈ Id: kg:/m/0285kf1  🦮
>  --
>  Thanks,
>  --Raman(I Search, I Find, I Misplace, I Research)
>  ♈ Id: kg:/m/0285kf1  🦮



--Raman(I Search, I Find, I Misplace, I Research)
♈ Id: kg:/m/0285kf1  🦮