Paul Eggert <> schrieb am Di., 23. Mai 2017 um 19:36 Uhr:
On 05/23/2017 03:17 AM, Philipp Stephani wrote:
> I haven't tested it, but I'm pretty sure that adding
> -Wno-missing-braces should work.

I'd feel more comfortable if you tested it and then committed it to master.

Done (cd9c7a0617).

> it would be more future-proof to explicitly specify -Wno...

In my experience it's a waste of time to try to future-proof or to
retrofit GCC's warnings, or Clang's for that matter. The warnings are
too flaky and are too mutable from one version to the next. At best we
can arrange for recent GCC to not warn on a few common configurations.
Maybe Clang too, if someone takes the time to do that.

As long as I compile on macOS, I guess I'll be bothered enough to try to keep the warnings at bay.