Hi, Context: Just logged about 60 hours doing a literate programming project with Org and elisp. Calling org-edit-special to break out into my customized editing environment has worked quite well. There, Smartparens (strict mode) or Paredit keep parentheses balanced. Sometimes I get lazy though and want to make a change to the source block and invariable screw up the parentheses and break my system. Desire: I would like to set a flag that disallows any editing of source blocks whilst in org mode. Obviously one could still see the code, just not modify it. Sure, discipline would also be an options but most bad edits seem like easy ones, but if it were easy you wouldn't make it in the first place. Research: Read http://orgmode.org/guide/Working-With-Source-Code.html and didn't find that kind of feature. Googled and didn't find a fix. Question: How have you folks dealt with this? Is there a solution out there? Would you like such a thing? Regards, -- Grant Rettke | ACM, AMA, COG, IEEE gcr@wisdomandwonder.com | http://www.wisdomandwonder.com/ “Wisdom begins in wonder.” --Socrates