On Tue, Nov 10, 2015 at 1:10 PM, Oleh Krehel wrote: > Customize is for people that aren't yet ready to learn Elisp. Once they > do, it indeed becomes redundant. Then, that's an argument *for* use-package. It's for users that aren't yet ready to learn Elisp, but who want to load a package easily from their init.el. use-package is syntactic sugar, yes, and as such, it's easier to use that the "real deal". It is its own language, but that's a feature: if you're a user not interested in learning Elisp, to borrow from Phillip's example, certainly (use-package foo :load-path "~/foo" :commands foo-a foo-b foo-c :defer 5 ) seems much easier than (progn (eval-and-compile (push "~/foo" load-path)) (run-with-idle-timer 5 nil #'require 'foo nil t) (unless (fboundp 'foo-a) (autoload #'foo-a "foo" nil t)) (unless (fboundp 'foo-b) (autoload #'foo-b "foo" nil t)) (unless (fboundp 'foo-c) (autoload #'foo-c "foo" nil t)))