On Mon, Jan 23, 2017 at 4:49 PM, Eli Zaretskii wrote: > A I've said earlier, if we think different users might want different > behavior in this respect, we should have a customizable option. Agreed. > In any case, the simplest case should work as expected: when the > desktop file records only one frame, it shall be restored as a single > text-mode frame when Emacs is started with -nw, I think. Yes. I'm surprised this failed. This is basic stuff. > I'm not sure this is desirable. It is IMO more natural to have the > same frameset for all sessions. But that's me. Full disclosure: I > never restore my sessions into Emacs started with -nw, except for > testing these issues. Same here. I never work with -nw except for testing purposes. > Frame restoration is a relatively recent feature, so I think we should > first make sure it works correctly in the simple scenarios, before we > start extending it to support more exotic ones. As one data point, I > don't think anyone has yet requested the features you describe above. Depending where we want to go, these features aren't more exotic, just a generalization of sorts. But I agree with you. Don't want to waste my time with something that people doesn't need. > I didn't write the above to assign blame. I know. But that you don't blame me doesn't mean I don't feel a little guilty. I've disliked when someone started some big (or user-visible) change in Emacs and then disappeared (not a very common occurrence, but not unheard of). And I did the same. Hi pot, meet kettle.