On 6 Nov 2015 9:47 am, "Rasmus" <rasmus@gmx.us> wrote:
> John Wiegley <jwiegley@gmail.com> writes:
> >>>>>> raman  <raman@google.com> writes:
> >
> >> You could do this seamlessly by attaching an around advice to message and
> >> having that call alert
> >
> > Advice is only to be used by user code, not in core. It's the "last line" of
> > customization, but shouldn't be a programming style for developers.
> A rgrep on the lisp dir suggests that add-function is used 60 places.
> AFAIK, one of the intentions of nadvice is to easily attach new functions
> to "places", also in core.  But I could easily be wrong.

add-function is about modifying function variables (i.e., places that are actually supposed to be configurable). It is not about advices.

I believe you're thinking of add-advice.