On 9 Feb 2016 7:07 pm, "Óscar Fuentes" <ofv@wanadoo.es> wrote:
> >
> > 1. Take the set of all characters in the language that the user types in;
> > 2. Don't fold these characters.
> Today I read your blog post about this feature:  [...]
> And now I'm utterly confused. Your example is about using the feature
> within your language, which you admit you have no problem with writing,
> and now you talk about not folding the characters of the user's
> language?

I'm sorry that post confused you. That post states my personal preference (I like the "fold all unicode decompositions" behaviour). That post does NOT reflect what I think should be the default. What I've written here on this thread is what I think should be the default.

Although currently Emacs does fold all decompositions by default, this is just temporary. We've said we would turn that off before release (and in fact I'll do that tomorrow (and ammend my post too)).

> (And how many of those 5721 characters can be matched from a latin
> letter?)

OK, I see what you meant.

> How typical for an Emacs user is to have to *search* (not write) for a
> composed character that he can not type with his input setup?

I have no idea, which is why this feature will be off by default until I feel confident it won't get in anyone's way.