On 12 Oct 2015 9:54 pm, "Phillip Lord" <phillip.lord@russet.org.uk> wrote:
> > But basically it felt like I was going to have to learn all of the
> > internals of git to do this with any sort of confidence.
> I share the same feeling. The bit that scares me is pushing to ELPA.
> Everything else is disposable. If I pull the wrong thing (like
> elpa/master) to local, then I can just delete and start again. If I push
> the wrong thing to phillord/dash.el that's more of a pain, but not a
> disaster. But if I push my local master to the elpa master branch
> (rather than externals) I do not know what will happen, but I suspect it
> will be bad.

This is git. It's pretty hard to mess up.

In particular, you can't push anything that's not a fast forward unless you --force, and you usually can't --force push to master. Again, I'm not at the pc ATM, but I'm pretty sure that's the case for elpa.git. Hell, emacs.git won't even let me push if it doesn't like the commit message.