2015-10-12 22:13 GMT+01:00 Phillip Lord

> ERT is quite nice, but one of the things that I have found lacking is a 
> nice set of predicates, for use within should. 
> So, when I wrote test for my "lentic" package I needed some functions 
> like, so that I could do things like: 
> (should 
>   (test-eq-after-this 
>      "blah-before.txt" 
>      "blah-after.txt" 
>      (insert "hello"))) 
> which opens "blah-before.txt" runs (insert "hello") then compares the 
> result with "blah-after.txt".

I think that's a pretty specific use-case. So it's best to let people write their own macros for this.

(defmacro should-eq-after-body (file-before file-after &rest body)
  `(let ((bef
            (insert-file-contents file-before)
     (should (string= bef (with-temp-buffer
                            (insert-file-contents file-after)

> My version of this also does a diff of the 
> results if the two are not equal. 

This certainly seems very useful. Maybe ert should do this on *all* multi-line string comparisons instead of doing its default “different-strings” report (which, most of the time, just says “strings are of different length”).

> I've noticed that "puppet-mode" has some thing similar. For instance: 
> ... 
> And julia-mode has indentation checking tests like so: 
> ...
> My own experience is that these are actually quite hard to right. The 
> ones in lentic have never worked quite right -- that is, when it all 
> works they are fine, but restoring state after a crash doesn't always 
> work. Similarly, checking that, for example, test files are not already 
> open before a test is run interactively. 

Yes, there are many packages that use custom-deisgned temp-buffers for testing. In fact, most non-trivial packages do. I'd really like to see ert offer a common interface for this. The difficulty for that is that each package has very different needs when it comes to testing in buffers, so I have no idea what this common interface could be.

> So, the point of my question is this; are there any good libraries 
> providing this kind of fixture logic?

Don't know.