Good morning.

The following difference seems like it could be relevant.

As an aside, I have found it more informative to download the .html files and manually inspect them, rather than to look at Chrome's Elements tree, since that itself seems to get confused by what appears to me to be a list started w/ <table> but ended w/ </ul>.

In summary, I think that the translation of the @multitable is itself fine, but that the prior presence of @itemize @bullet ... , with its mismatch <table> ... </ul>, confuses Chrome. and causes it to (not) render the table (from @multitable) properly.


(a) in the (shorter)
<ul> starts, and </ul> closes, the list, and this documentation "node" renders fine.

      <p>Syntax checks happen &ldquo;on-the-fly&rdquo;.  Each check is started whenever:

OK:   <ul class="itemize mark-bullet">
        <li><code class="code">flymake-mode</code> is started, unless
          <code class="code">flymake-start-on-flymake-mode</code> is <code class="code">nil</code>;

        </li><li>the buffer is saved, unless <code class="code">flymake-start-on-save-buffer</code> is
               <code class="code">nil</code>;

             </li><li>some changes were made to the buffer more than <code class="code">0.5</code> seconds ago
                                                                                                   (the delay is configurable in <code class="code">flymake-no-changes-timeout</code>).

                  </li><li>When the user invokes the command <code class="code">flymake-start</code>.
OK:                    </li></ul>


(b) however, in the (longer & problematic) (mono)

          <p>Syntax checks happen &ldquo;on-the-fly&rdquo;.  Each check is started whenever:
BAD:       <table style="float:left" width="100%">
            <li> <code>flymake-mode</code> is started, unless
              <code>flymake-start-on-flymake-mode</code> is <code>nil</code>;

            </li><li> the buffer is saved, unless <code>flymake-start-on-save-buffer</code> is

                 </li><li> some changes were made to the buffer more than <code>0.5</code> seconds ago
                                                                                           (the delay is configurable in <code>flymake-no-changes-timeout</code>).

                      </li><li> When the user invokes the command <code>flymake-start</code>.
 OK:                       </li></ul>

I *guess* that this latter "unclosed" <table> is what causes trouble further down in this file, even though (a new,  matching) <table> & </table> match up there.
(I haven't yet figured out how to rebuild the manuals to do more direct experiments/isolation.)

          <p>The following statuses are defined:
OK:          <table>
            <tr><td width="25%">[<var>nerrors</var> <var>nwarnings</var> ...]</td><td width="75%">Normal operation. <var>nerrors</var> and <var>nwarnings</var> are, respectively,
                                                                                                                                                                the total number of errors and warnings found during the last buffer
                                                                                                                                                                check, for all backends. They may be followed by other totals for
                                                                                                                                                                other types of diagnostics (see <a href="#Flymake-error-types">Customizing Flymake error types</a>).</td></tr>
            <tr><td width="25%"><code>Wait</code></td><td width="75%">Some Flymake backends haven&rsquo;t reported since the last time they
                                                                                                        where questioned.  It is reasonable to assume that this is a temporary
                                                                                                        delay and Flymake will resume normal operation soon.</td></tr>
            <tr><td width="25%"><code>!</code></td><td width="75%">All the configured Flymake backends have disabled themselves: Flymake
                                                                   cannot annotate the buffer and action from the user is needed to
                                                                   investigate and remedy the situation (see <a href="#Troubleshooting">Troubleshooting</a>).</td></tr>
            <tr><td width="25%"><code>?</code></td><td width="75%">There are no applicable Flymake backends for this buffer, thus Flymake
                                                                   cannot annotate it.  To fix this, a user may look to extending Flymake
                                                                   and add a new backend (see <a href="#Extending-Flymake">Extending Flymake</a>).</td></tr>
 OK:         </table>



On Fri, Aug 23, 2024 at 3:06 AM Eli Zaretskii <> wrote:
> From: Lester Longley <>
> Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2024 17:01:37 -0400
> Cc:
> Re: the second issue, the problem seems to start here, with this: <table style="float:left" width="100%">
> element (see PROBLEM below), which
> (a) seems out of place
> (b) is never closed w/ "</table>, as best I can see (as per inspection of saved output from curl
> "")
> Instead, this "<table>" seems to be closed with a mismatched "</ul>"

No, there _is_ a </table>, see below, where I copied the "page source"
from my browser.

> I am unfamiliar w/ Texinfo, but I nonetheless don't see any "obvious" reason that a <table> element should be
> emitted at the above location, based on the below excerpt from
> (I'm just guessing on
> the corresponding version of this file currently used for the online documentation)

No, that table is the translation of @multitable.

  <p>The following statuses are defined:
  <tr><td width="25%">[<var>nerrors</var> <var>nwarnings</var> ...]</td><td width="75%">Normal operation. <var>nerrors</var> and <var>nwarnings</var> are, respectively,
  the total number of errors and warnings found during the last buffer
  check, for all backends. They may be followed by other totals for
  other types of diagnostics (see <a href="#Flymake-error-types">Customizing Flymake error types</a>).</td></tr>
  <tr><td width="25%"><code>Wait</code></td><td width="75%">Some Flymake backends haven&rsquo;t reported since the last time they
  where questioned.  It is reasonable to assume that this is a temporary
  delay and Flymake will resume normal operation soon.</td></tr>
  <tr><td width="25%"><code>!</code></td><td width="75%">All the configured Flymake backends have disabled themselves: Flymake
  cannot annotate the buffer and action from the user is needed to
  investigate and remedy the situation (see <a href="#Troubleshooting">Troubleshooting</a>).</td></tr>
  <tr><td width="25%"><code>?</code></td><td width="75%">There are no applicable Flymake backends for this buffer, thus Flymake
  cannot annotate it.  To fix this, a user may look to extending Flymake
  and add a new backend (see <a href="#Extending-Flymake">Extending Flymake</a>).</td></tr>

I guess I will ask the Texinfo developers to take a look.
