I'm the author of an elisp pkg [1] that talks via a REST API with a server. For determining the credentials I use `auth-source-user-and-password` in this elisp pkg. Currently I store my credentials in an .authinfo file, but I would like to read them from the keyring, since I already have credentials for the service in the Login keyring. I created the credentials using the python-keyring [2] pkg using the command `keyring set hostname username` The above command creates an entry in the Login keyring that has the following schema (output of `M-x secrets-show-secrets`) `-[-] Password for ’thomas.hisch’ on ’hostname’ |- password: ********** [Show password] |- application: Python keyring library |- service: hostname |- username: thomas.hisch `- xdg:schema: org.freedesktop.Secret.Generic The problem now is that `auth-source-user-and-password` doesn't find the credentials in the "Login" keyring, i.e., (let ((auth-sources '("secrets:Login"))) (auth-source-user-and-password "hostname")) returns nil. The reason for this is that `auth-source-user-and-password` searches for an entry with a plist key :host and not with the key :service. I know that I can manually pass the search spec to `auth-source-search`, but I want to keep the auth code in my pkg as high-level as possible. I also don't want to break anything for users that use different auth-sources. Is the implementation of auth-source.el, e.g. `auth-source-user-and-password`, supposed to support reading of secrets stored in a keyring, which are not created by emacs? Best regards, Thomas [1] https://github.com/thisch/gerrit.el [2] https://keyring.readthedocs.io/en/latest/