All again,

I did not received any answers so I'm answering myself about :
- Do I miss something in the "submit" process,
- Is this patch is a mess ?
- Or maybe everybody is busy ...

So let me know,



2011/12/18 Jérémy Compostella <>

I just bought a new laptop and installed a fresh Debian on it. I used to
look at my current battery status using Emacs. I like to look at the
current rate too since this laptop will be used during a long trip and I
want to take care of the consumption in real time.

The issue is that with the 2.6.32 kernel from Debian for this laptop I
do not have the /proc/acpi/battery part. However, the sysfs is able to
report all the data I need. The current Emacs battery module is not able
to retrieve the information I need from sysfs but it does from
/proc/acpi/battery. So I made a small evolution to enable the following:

- Get the current rate
- Get the current temperature (does not work on my laptop but the
 power_supply interface is able to provide it, so I added it too.
- Do the time remaining estimation using the current voltage, the
 remaining capacity and the current rate. It works on both charging and
 discharging state.

I attached the patch but I warn you that it has been generated using git
since I was unable to retrieve the bazar repository for the last two
days (it hangs during the download process). By the way, do you have any
advice which could help me ?

Please merge it or review it.

Best regards,


PS: I signed my Emacs assignment and post it by mail 10 days ago.
Sent from my Emacs

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