Every so often when using Emacs, I get an error from C code similar to this: let: Wrong type argument: markerp, nil which gives no indication of where the error is coming from. I have debug-on-error set to t. I might not have Emacs built with debugging symbols at times. Were I to know the source of the error, I could set debug-on-entry to some Lisp-exposed C function and get a Lisp stack trace to the point of C function entry. But why can't I have something like this automatically? The C code is raising an error. The Lisp stack exists. Why can't the C error routine force the backtrace with some notion that the error exists further in C code? This would at least narrow down the cause of the error greatly by showing a lot of the path in code taken. Personally, for errors like this, I would typically include the function name reference so that the location is obvious and users without debug symbols in their Emacs could still report a more useful error. Is this doable? A good idea? How do others debug such situations (no C debug symbols)? Bob