On Fri, Aug 25, 2017 at 4:49 PM, John Wiegley <jwiegley@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> "PE" == Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu> writes:

PE> I like the idea of having Emacs defaults being closer to what non-expert
PE> users expect.

I too like the thinking behind this change.

​An extensive amount of work in making Emacs and XEmacs more approachable to new users was done years ago and was involved enough to warrant a new name, InfoDock, essentially a turnkey version of XEmacs, though many features were compatible with Emacs.  InfoDock also was helpful to experienced users/software developers who wanted features automatically exposed and easy to find when needed.  I was the primary author.

To have a look just at the extensive menubars and popup menus, see:


That work stopped in 1999 but the core concepts are just as usable today and the code is still available at:


One a tgz archive is unpacked, b​elow the infodock/id-lisp/infodock/ directory are the id-menus.el and id-menubars.el files shown in the gist above.​

An experienced Emacs Lisp developer could get the menus of InfoDock working as an alternative menu-UI within a week I would think.  The easymenu.el package runs XEmacs menus pretty well, I think.  Then just update commands as necessary.  Then people could evaluate it and see whether it is worth adding as an option to Emacs.  The menubars themselves provide a button that allows switching between default menus and InfoDock-style ones.  I have assigned my Emacs code to the FSF, so the copyrights would just need to be updated.

So instead of making small incremental changes that have small impacts, there is a way to make major improvements fairly quickly.
