On Mon, Oct 2, 2017 at 7:01 AM, Robert Inder wrote: > > I'd like to be able to make the *scratch* buffer persist between sessions. > > I realise that it is meant for things I don't want to save. But every few > months, I get interrupted or distracted, and realise I have quit emacs or > rebooted a machine while there was something significant in *scratch*. To > know that I wouldn't lose stuff when that happened, I'd happily pay the > price of having to flush the buffer occasionally. > > I can't be the only one that is bitten by this from time to time. > ​You are not. The "persistent-scratch" package available from MELPA does exactly what you want. Simply install it and add this to your Emacs initialization file: ;;; Persistent Scratch - make *scratch* buffer persist across Emacs invocations (persistent-scratch-setup-default) Bob