On Mon, Sep 18, 2017 at 10:21 PM, Stefan Monnier <monnier@iro.umontreal.ca> wrote:
> It seems as of Emacs 25, there are no hooks in posn-set-point to do
> something custom before or after point has been set/moved.

There are various ways to do things very similar to what posn-set-point
does, so a hook on this function seems rather odd to me: it will only
catch some window selections and some point movements.
IOW I find it difficult to characterize when these hooks will be run
(except with the trivial characterization that they're run when
posn-set-point is run, which is not very meaningful since no command is
documented to use this function).

​FYI, the initial desire for these hooks came from wanting to do something whenever the mouse set point.
Then I thought it would be more useful if it covered any interactive setting of point, which led to posn-set-point
(called by mouse-set-point).  If there are better ways to do this, let's discuss them.
