Hi all, When I type a regex I'm always annoyed by the amount of escaping I have to do. I've always wished Emacs Lisp had raw strings ie. a syntax to type litteral text without interpretation. I've made 2 patch for the reader (src/lread.c). There are proofs of concepts, they should work on correct input but don't expect much. raw-string-python.diff use a syntax similar to python: $ ./emacs -Q -batch --eval '(message #r"""ha"\nha""")' ha"\nha raw-string-sed.diff use a syntax similar to sed or perl quotes. You can chose any delimiter. $ ./emacs -Q -batch --eval '(message #r,ha"\nha,)' ha"\nha $ ./emacs -Q -batch --eval '(message #r~ha"\nha~)' ha"\nha You get the idea. Although the reader works, this breaks several things. C-x C-e doesn't work well, sexp navigation is broken, etc. There is work to do to make the rest of emacs aware of raw strings.