I am seeing artifacts from certain characters (e.g. "@") when I navigate through a buffer, or when Emacs moves the contents of my buffer. For example, here's a buffer after loading: http://i28.tinypic.com/2079w7c.jpg and here's what happens if I hit "ctrl-k" six times: http://i30.tinypic.com/2cdg6x0.jpg The effects are more pronounced with white-on-black, which is my usual setup: http://i31.tinypic.com/30avqtj.jpg Hitting control-L, running (redraw-frame (selected-frame)), or moving the cursor over the location makes the artifacts disappear. This is OS X 10.5.7, Emacs 22.3.1 (downloaded from http://porkrind.org/emacs/Emacs-22.3-i386-10.5.7.dmg) , with no .emacs or other customizations. I've seen the same behavior with the latest CVS snapshot, and with the Carbon emacs package from http://homepage.mac.com/zenitani/emacs-e.htmlD . I've also seen similar behavior in Aquamacs. Here's the ctrl-x ctrl-= output for one of the "@" characters; character: @ (64, #o100, #x40, U+0040) charset: ascii (ASCII (ISO646 IRV)) code point: #x40 syntax: . which means: punctuation category: a:ASCII graphic characters 32-126 (ISO646 IRV:1983[4/0]) l:Latin buffer code: #x40 file code: #x40 (encoded by coding system undecided-unix) display: by this font (glyph code) -apple-monaco-medium-r-normal--14-140-72-72-m-140-iso10646-1 (#x40) Has anyone else seen this? I've been living with it for a long time, but it is slowly driving me crazy. Thanks! Jon