X-Debbugs-CC: konrad.podczeck@univie.ac.at Emacs -Q M-x about-emacs M-: (set-frame-parameter nil 'height 25) [important: this sets the frame so that the line "GNU and Freedom" is half-visible.\ M-x global-hl-line-mode press repeatedly, until we're on the "GNU and Freedom" line. The line "Absence of Warranty" should now be visible at the bottom of the window. Now press once more. This will NOT advance the cursor, but scroll the buffer up by just a pixel or two. I am attaching two screenshots showing before and after. I would expect it to scroll a full line and actually advance my point. The recipe above applies to Emacs 24, but I can see it with a 23 branch build, too. Interestingly, this does not reproduce when using `hl-line-mode' instead of `global-hl-line-mode', but I also don't see line-by-line scrolling then. This problem may or may not be the same as bug#6264. One difference in this report is that the point actually does not move here, while in #6264 the point still seems to move. But that may just be a matter of setup. Konrad Podczeck contributed to this bug report.