I'm using Parabola GNU/Linux. My emacs is version 24.5-4. Have you tried updating to a newer version of Emacs? The latest stable version of Emacs is 24 (Emacs 25 will soon be released soon). I'm not a developer of Emacs, but if you are using an outdated version, the developers of Emacs will probably prioritize fixing bugs on newer versions of Emacs. And don't -lC naturally conflict? Try running both ls -lC and ls -Cl in a terminal. In my terminal, it does what the last flag says. So l -lC displays the output in columns and l -Cl looks just like l -l. I've done (dired '("~/" ".bashrc" ".bash_profile" "-l") ;; shows the long format (dired '("~/" ".bashrc" ".bash_profile" "-lg") ;;shows the long format w/o displaying the file owner. And it worked as expected. Can you give me a few more examples where dired is ignoring flags?