I found a demo of what I'm trying to do: http://half-qwerty.com/demo/

From: coreyfoote@hotmail.com
To: help-gnu-emacs@gnu.org
Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2008 10:44:33 -0400
Subject: Half-QWERTY keyboard minor mode

Hi everybody,

I injured my left hand the other day, so I'm typing one handed until it recovers. I was wondering if it would be possible to create an Emacs minor mode which would allow half-QWERTY typing on a regular keyboard. (The way half-QWERTY typing works is you hit SPACE-y for t, SPACE-u for r, etc. For details on the half-QWERTY keyboard see: http://www.billbuxton.com/matiasHCI96.html#c2)

I'm not much of a LISP programmer, so any help I could get on this would be most appreciated. Once the minor mode is complete, I will put the source code on the Emacs wiki accessibility section. Thanks!

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