Hello. I sometimes use linum-mode, then I meet a problem. It is displaying a wrong line number when there is an invisible line. (I don't know the problem is a bug clearly, but it is trouble to me.) Example: ==================================================================== In buffer (linum-mode is enabled). 1 abc 2 def 3 ghi 4 jkl Make the 2nd line ("def\n") invisible (by `facemenu-set-invisible'). 1 abc 2 ghi <= wrong 4 jkl ==================================================================== I fixed the problem. the attached file: "linum-mode.el.1.diff" (based on Emacs 23.3.) (If the following additional improvement is unnecessary, please ignore.) Additionally, I improved about invisible buffer string. the attached file: "linum-mode.el.2.diff" (including the above bug fix.) (1) Indicating invisible line(s) by an underlined line number when the following line(s) is/are invisible. ==================================================================== _1_ abc <= underline 3 ghi 4 jkl ==================================================================== (2) Indicating partial invisible string by a `strike-through' line number when the line has partial invisible string. ==================================================================== _1_ abc 3 ghi 4 jkl Make the 3rd line ("hi") invisible partially. _1_ abc -3- g <= strike-through 4 jkl Make the 1st line ("ab") invisible partially. -_1_- c <= underline and strike-through -3- g 4 jkl ==================================================================== For the additional improvement, check the new variable `linum-indicate-invis', and eval the following, please. (setq linum-indicate-invis t)