With following line, one can cut and paste text using a pop-up menu triggered by right click. (define-key global-map [mouse-3] menu-bar-edit-menu) I noticed that menu-bar items that lead visiting files, buffers, frames, bookmarks, and recentf can be gathered into a pop-up menu. I wrote a minor mode `poplife' that provides an integrated pop-up menu triggered by right click. Also this minor mode offers contextual pop-up menus. When a thing under mouse click is file/directory, word, and url, this provides pop-up menus of list of files, candidates of words, and url-opening-menu, respectively. (require 'poplife) (setq poplife-word-flag t) (setq poplife-url-flag t) (setq poplife-edit-cottager '(:imenu t :buffer t :frame t :bookmark t :recentf t)) (poplife-mode 1) Contextual pop-up menu by right click is very common interface nowadays and I propose to include this (or something like this) to Emacs.