nterm supports Aptitude:


-- René
On Thu, Jun 2, 2011 at 20:43, <axel.junker@safe-mail.net> wrote:
I am using GNU Emacs as the environment for all my daily computing tasks on my GNU Linux system. So far I am really content with what Emacs already provides - Gnus, org-mode, Dired, shell-mode, etc. There is just one thing that is bugging me. Ocasionally I have to fall back to an external terminal emulator (e.g. gnome-terminal) to run ncursed based applications like aptitude. Is there any way to run such applications from within emacs? shell-mode obviously does not work, and both M-x term and M-x terminal-emulator are broken. (Try aptitude in either one of them).
In particular, I would like to have a terminal emulator that is a real emulator without any nitty gritty. That is, any key press is directly forwarded to the underlying terminal, except for one escape character (e.g. C-c).
Does that make sense? Is there any interest in patching term to support that?

-- Axel