Hello Christoph, You gave me the vital clue that I needed to figure out why my change works for me but not for you. You are absolutely correct that the $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $(XMFLAGS) temacs CFLAGS=$(ARGQUOTE)$(CFLAGS) -DPURESIZE=5000000$(ARGQUOTE) line is the one that is causing the problem. Your pointing out that line along with the fact that you do not have sh.exe on your PATH helped me to figure it out. I do have sh.exe in my path. And it turns out mingw32-make does use sh if it is available. The key is that, when sh is in use, ARGQUOTE is defined as ', not ". So my change works for me because I am using sh. Now, as for your suggestion to simply escape the quotes in the flag arguments, that would be possible, but it would only work if sh is not being used. So now I need to come up with a fix that will work for both sh and cmd. I have one in mind but I need to think it over a little more before I try it. I will submit a fix either tomorrow evening or sometime Saturday.