Thanks, Paul. I wrote to Ed Reingold a few days ago asking him about this issue, but I haven't heard back from him. A general question: do you have any sense for whether these sorts of calculations could be handled by Emacs Lisp, or whether they require Common Lisp? I would be interested in coding this up from scratch in the event that the Deshow/Reingold functions can't be incorporated directly, though given my very rudimentary understanding of Lisp (both Emacs and Common), I imagine this would take some time (#damnitjimimalinguistnotalispcoder). cheers, --Ben On 13 June 2011 11:53, Paul Eggert wrote: > On 06/13/11 09:40, Benjamin Slade wrote: > > I found a very nice set of functions for doing so implemented in Common > Lisp > > in *Deshow, Nachum and Reingold, Edward M. 2008. _Calendrical > Calculations_. > > New York: Cambridge University Press, 3rd edn*. I was wondering if this > > perhaps has already been implemented (given that Reingold developed the > > original calendar calculations for Emacs). > > I expect the answer is that it hasn't been. And we can't simply > incorporate > the copyrighted code from the book into Emacs without having copyright > permission > from the authors. However, if you could code the ideas up from scratch, > without > copying the book's code, that would be a nice addition to Emacs. Another > possibility > is that you could contact Ed Reingold and ask him whether he'd be willing > to > donate the code; perhaps if enough people ask, he'll change his mind. > -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Benjamin Slade Dept. of Linguistics University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign [ ] Stæfcræft & Vyākaraṇa (lingblog) - The Babbage Files (techblog) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *प*रो ऽक्ष॑का*मा* हि *दे*वाः 'The gods love the obscure.' (Śatapathabrāmaṇa