Somebody asked about my contribution to Emacs manual translations. Unfortunately, I am not able to contribute more than for SES. Since I maintain this program documenting it is part of the job, and since I am a native French speaker documenting it in French 1st and translating the additions to English when there are stable is just the easiest/laziest way to proceed.


PS : I will probably also push someday some documentation about 5x5 solver which explains how it works (I need to find again where I saved that file). This short document was quite fun to write as it is the first ever Texinfo document using macros with more than 10 args (I contributed to texinfo.tex for that ;-) ). This document will have to be transated to English, this is why I mention it here.

De : <> de la part de Emanuel Berg <>
Envoyé : mardi 9 janvier 2024 04:08
À : <>
Objet : Re: Translation of manuals (was: SES manual French translation)
Richard Stallman wrote:

>> We know of various ways a service can treat users unjustly
>> -- we call them "dis-services". But we don't have
>> a complete list of them.
> To clarify we use "dis-services" to refer to "services" that
> mistreat users, but we don't have a full list of the bad
> things that a service can do (twhich would make it
> a dis-service"). Coming up with that is a hard problem.

Maybe we can instead have a positive model that defines
a FOSS service?

To begin with it would run on free or open source
software, sure.

So people would be allowed to fork it, and run it on their own
servers, i.e. replicate and modify the service provided if
they saw reason to, be it to add something they wanted, or
remove something they didn't like? Or just do whatever they
liked to?

Wouldn't that be enough to say, this is a FOSS service?

underground experts united