Just a question/suggestion: can we get a localized calendar for swedish language into official release? There is a small file by Daniel Jensen, found at: http://bigwalter.net/daniel/elisp/. I did a small hack to it, just added names for abbreviated day names and header array since it seems to not be properly initialized if sv-kalender is loaded after the calender.el. In a short mail correspondence with Daniel, he says he has signed FSF copyrights, so I guess, legaly it shouldn't be a problem to include that file amongst few other localizations in lisp/calender? I don't know what is your policy to include localizations, I see there are not many there, and those that are there (French "revolutionary") and Chinese do much more than just localize names and few hollidays. Anyway, it would be convenient if it was included. Maybe the name of the file itself should be adjusted, like calender-swedish.el or something? Also a side question about localizations as found on Emacs Wiki: https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/CalendarLocalization I can't imagine that day and month names and few other bits related to that information can be copyrighted. Would ot be interesting to collect info from that wiki page into some file with localized names and maybe have Emacs auto load localized names when avialable based on value in LANG env (or whatever variable is suitable), and a variable to turn on/off that behaviour?