Just a minor 'out-of-the-box' quality of life improvement mostly for MS Windows users. ls-lisp.el is default on MS Windows, and some users might share their init configuration between their Gnu/Linux and MS Windows systems, it might be nice to have ls-lisp.el recognize `--group-directories-first' flag of Gnu ls program. I have just piggy-back on existing code here; I am not sure if I can actually set `ls-lisp-dirs-firs' var to `t' when `--group-directories-first' is found, so I am just converting this flag to `y' so we can per-use existing machinery. But I would happily skip `y' if it is acceptable to change users choice for `ls-lisp-dirs-first' variable when `--group-directories-first' is present. If this would be acceptable, I can also add some notice to docs and news.