On Jan 3, 2024, at 7:31 AM, Eli Zaretskii <eliz@gnu.org> wrote:

From: JD Smith <jdtsmith@gmail.com>

To make the entire face API position-dependent does seem complex. I presume face calculation
first checks if there is a valid 'face-remapping-alist’ and does substitutions.

Not exactly. You need to keep in mind that each buffer or string
position could have several sources of face information, see
"Displaying Faces" in the ELisp manual for the gory details.So first
Emacs needs to collect all those faces from all the relevant sources,
and then it merges them. Face remapping happens during the merge: each
face that is referenced by a symbol (a.k.a. "named face") is remapped
if needed.

I see.  But if there were a property at the position where Emacs is collecting and merging all the face information, say

 ‘(face-remap ((some-face . another-face)))

would the merge process be able to easily use this style of remap-information, in addition to the buffer-local 'face-remapping-alist (with the local property taking precedence over the variable)?

If 'face-remap were a
valid (overlay/text) property, that would seem to obviate any deeper API changes: just add this
property where remapping is desired.

I don't think I follow.

The workhorse we use now for obtaining face information is the
function face_at_buffer_position, which calls the various face-merging
routines.  Those merging routines and their subroutines consider
face-remapping-alist as part of face merging process outlined above.
I don't see how we can avoid passing the buffer position to them if
face-remapping depends on buffer position. Also, those routines will
now need to perform property or overlay search for the special
face-remapping property, using the position they are passed.

Am I missing something?

Perhaps we are talking about different things.  I was speaking from the point of the view of the ELISP user of the faces API.  From the ELISP face API, I don’t see a need to include any new position information for face definition and face property assignment.  I think now that you were speaking about the internal API.  Internally during the face merge process, I agree there would need to know the properties at a merging-the-face-info point under consideration, which could influence the merge.  

Maybe the issue is that face_at_buffer_position is called only at certain special positions, not on each position in the buffer?  If so, I can see how your concern about property/overlay search would apply (though what those positions would be I don’t know, since I can assign a different 'face property to arbitrary ranges as small as one character).

This may relate to the text-property “planes” discussion from a
couple years back.  Based on that discussion, perhaps targeting only ‘face is not enough. Is there
another approach to “selectively enabling/substituting properties by region”, beyond just
text-property-search-forward within the region (looking within ‘display properties too)?

I don't think I understand which discussion you have in mind and how
it is relevant to the issue at hand.

I meant this discussion (and the related earlier one mentioned, by Stefan M):

My read of that discussion is it would allow external control of various “planes" of a text property: turn some on, others off, without searching through the entirety of the buffer finding and replacing those properties.  Similar to layers in a photo editor.  Whether that type of external control could be limited to a region I am unsure (though the MMM discussion makes me think that was envisioned).  The “layers” or “planes” concept certainly seems related.

To make this concrete, how would people approach the following:

1 On point motion, treesitter’s syntax tree is consulted to find an "enclosing semantic context
2 Within that region, pre-existing faces (or perhaps other properties) get updated to a “highlighted”
3 Outdated/prior regions have the highlighted variants removed.

Since you don’t know in advance how large such regions might be, it seems problematic to search
and replace all the various faces or other properties.   

How do you envision to do items 2 and 3 above?  IOW, how do you
"update pre-existing faces"?  

In an ideal scenario, by applying a text or overlay property '(face-remap ((some-face . some-highlight-face))) to that region.

The naïve solution, of somehow changing
the face attributes on the fly, will be a performance killer, since
currently any change in any named face invalidates all the faces we
already know about and requires their "realization" anew -- because we
don't track the dependencies between faces, and thus don't know which
other faces need to be updated as result.  So this would mean that any
point movement could potentially cause recalculation of all the faces
on the selected frame.  

I do this very thing already in indent-bars[1], globally in the buffer, using face-remapping-alist.  The performance of that remapping is incredibly good in my experience.  So fast in fact that I’ve had to introduce a timer to artificially slow it down since it leads to rapid face flashing during smooth scrolling.

And face realization is a relatively expensive
process, especially if there are a lot of them (we had reports about
users who routinely have hundreds or even thousands of faces on a
frame). Thus my question about items 2 and 3, which seem to do exactly
what we avoid doing: modify named faces.

Does “substitute a named face for another named or anonymous face” lead to similar concerns?  Or can those then all be precomputed without the constant face realization concern?

[1] https://github.com/jdtsmith/indent-bars