
A couple questions:

My current plot options are as follows:
#+PLOT: title:"Formulation Viscosities" ind:1 type:2d with:lines
#+PLOT: set:"xlabel 'Temperature (C)'" set:"ylabel 'Viscosity (cP)'"

1) I've been trying to output a file and can only manage to get PNGs to work.
--- I've tried the recommendations here: http://www.mail-archive.com/emacs-orgmode@gnu.org/msg07825.html
--- In other words, I've used the given examples from Eric of:
#+PLOT: file:"~/Desktop/test.jpg"

As well as:

#+PLOT set:"terminal jpg transparent nocrop enhanced font arial 8"
#+PLOT set:"output '~/Desktop/test.jpg'"

And both resultant files don't open in Evince or Gimp.

I've also tried the options from Wikipedia on plotting, found here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia%3AHow_to_create_graphs_for_Wikipedia_articles
--- That article seems to recommend svg or ps format, later modified with Gimp or another program for use

2) How does one generate better quality with gnuplot? The one thing that does work is simply #+PLOT: file:"~/Desktop/test.png" but the resultant file is unacceptable
for my report. The letters look very pixelated. My questions above are actually asked because I need to get a handle on how to generate a better graph for my report...
--- The text is pretty bad and using #+PLOT: set:"terminal fsize #" doesn't seem to change this. Is my syntax bad? I was working from this option from the wiki linked above:

set terminal svg enhanced size 1000 1000 fname "Times" fsize 36
