Well, there must be something error in other point. I also tried message-tab, and it give no hint for the alias. I will debug message-tab function to see which variable is incorrect. Thanks for your help, Richard. Any suggestion is welcome. Regards, Denny On Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 12:47 AM, Richard Riley wrote: > filebat Mark writes: > > > > What function is binded in your *Message* mode, Richard? > > > > Mine is yas/expand, which seems don't know the alias list. > > Actually this was a surprise for me :- yasnippets tentacles seem to be > everywhere ... > > > ,---- > | TAB runs the command yas/expand, which is an alias for > | `yas/expand-from-trigger-key' in `yasnippet.el'. > | > | It is bound to TAB, . > | > | (yas/expand &optional FIELD) > | > | Expand a snippet before point. If no snippet > | expansion is possible, call command `message-tab'. > | > | Optional argument FIELD is for non-interactive use and is an > | object satisfying `yas/field-p' to restrict the expansion to. > `---- > > Anyway it defaults back to message-tab which does the job. > > > -- Thanks & Regards Denny Zhang