I think I need to retract this... I just see that I overlooked the fact that I can name a file 'init.el' which should suffice.

However, I know I'll be pinging this list again... sorry for the premature ping for help.


On Fri, Feb 11, 2011 at 9:46 PM, Matthew Pettis <matthew.pettis@gmail.com> wrote:

(Trying to make a big push to convert from UltraEdit to Emacs because I've just seen too many people too good with editing in Emacs to not try...)

I'm trying to set a HOME .emacs file for GNU Emacs 23.2 on Windows7 64-bit.  I'm trying to follow the recommendations in section 3.5 at http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/windows/Installing-Emacs.html .

Problems I'm having is:

1. I can't create files in c:\ (I don't know why, it's my work computer so maybe there's a restriction)...
2. I can't make '.emacs' files anywhere because the OS tells me I need a filename (i.e., I can't have a leading '.' in the filename).
3. The registry hives mentioned at the link don't seem to exist in the registry, so I don't know what I can do to set them.

I'd appreciate any help.

Thank you,

Seven Deadly Sins (Gandhi):
  - Wealth without work             - Politics without principle
  - Pleasure without conscience     - Commerce without morality 
  - Science without humanity        - Worship without sacrifice 
  - Knowledge without character