Hi. Strangely enough the issue reoccured after I put (require 'package) (add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa-stable" . "https://stable.melpa.org/packages/")) (package-initialize) into my .emacs Stephan Hradek > Am 29.09.2021 um 17:20 schrieb Stefan Kangas : > > Stephan Hradek writes: > >> Trying to do a package-refresh-contents my emacs times out reporting >> >> error in process sentinel: Error retrieving: https://elpa.gnu.org/packages/archive-contents (error connection-failed "connect" :host >> "elpa.gnu.org" :service 443) [2 times] >> >> Trying with M-x eww to load that url fails >> >> Other URLs like gnu.org or ix.de work > > It works for me. Did you try getting that file with wget or curl? > > Could you try it again, to exclude some intermittent network failure?