This StackOverflow entry suggested that the Emacs-Lisp byte compiler be able to warn about the use of functions that are destructive, i.e., can modify data structures in place: Attached is a patch that provides this, at least a start. It covers the basic functions that can perform in-place data structure modification: lists, strings, vectors and other arrays, symbol properties. These are generally the functions identified as destructive or modifying in the Elisp manual. A comment in the code identifies some other possible candidates that occurred to me while browsing the manual. Modify the list of functions as you see fit (variable `byte-compile-destructive-functions'). I'm no expert on some of the data structure implementations, and the manual is sometimes not so clear about whether destructive modification occurs. And perhaps there are cases where although the modification is destructive at an implementation level the user need not be concerned about that level, so such functions should not be included. Dunno. Perhaps also something could be done in the future wrt recognition of particular cases for `setf' modification. In GNU Emacs (i686-pc-mingw32) of 2013-08-07 on ODIEONE Bzr revision: 113750 Windowing system distributor `Microsoft Corp.', version 6.1.7601 Configured using: `configure --prefix=/c/Devel/emacs/binary --enable-checking=yes,glyphs CFLAGS=-O0 -g3 LDFLAGS=-Lc:/Devel/emacs/lib CPPFLAGS=-Ic:/Devel/emacs/include'