Le 4 févr. 2013 à 16:13, Stefan Monnier a écrit :

Maybe the best option here is to add an optional `dont-query' argument.

I've fiddled around a little bit, so tell me if my reasoning is ok.
I've found that whatever you do, an interactive call provide a
numeric value of '1'. Reading the Emacs Lisp Reference Manual,
I didn't find a way to negate the boolean value with `interactive'. As a matter
of fact I would suggest that `dont-query' must not be a good name since its value
would be 'true' when the function is called interactively while we want the user
to be queried in that case.

I made my modification with `prompt-user' as a parameter name.
One could think as another alternative, such as `query-user'.
Would it be more appropriate? I can't tell which one sounds better actually.
I am not fluent in english.. :-/

So here is the diff:

=== modified file 'lisp/emacs-lisp/package.el'
--- lisp/emacs-lisp/package.el 2013-01-01 09:11:05 +0000
+++ lisp/emacs-lisp/package.el 2013-02-04 17:17:41 +0000
@@ -1588,11 +1588,11 @@
        (length upgrades)
        (if (= (length upgrades) 1) "" "s")))))
-(defun package-menu-execute ()
+(defun package-menu-execute (&optional prompt-user)
   "Perform marked Package Menu actions.
 Packages marked for installation are downloaded and installed;
 packages marked for deletion are removed."
-  (interactive)
+  (interactive "p")
   (unless (derived-mode-p 'package-menu-mode)
     (error "The current buffer is not in Package Menu mode"))
   (let (install-list delete-list cmd id)
@@ -1611,26 +1611,30 @@
  (push (car id) install-list))))
     (when install-list
-      (if (yes-or-no-p
-   (if (= (length install-list) 1)
-       (format "Install package `%s'? " (car install-list))
-     (format "Install these %d packages (%s)? "
-     (length install-list)
-     (mapconcat 'symbol-name install-list ", "))))
+      (if (or
+           (not prompt-user)
+           (yes-or-no-p
+            (if (= (length install-list) 1)
+                (format "Install package `%s'? " (car install-list))
+              (format "Install these %d packages (%s)? "
+                      (length install-list)
+                      (mapconcat 'symbol-name install-list ", ")))))
   (mapc 'package-install install-list)))
     ;; Delete packages, prompting if necessary.
     (when delete-list
-      (if (yes-or-no-p
-   (if (= (length delete-list) 1)
-       (format "Delete package `%s-%s'? "
-       (caar delete-list)
-       (cdr (car delete-list)))
-     (format "Delete these %d packages (%s)? "
-     (length delete-list)
-     (mapconcat (lambda (elt)
-  (concat (car elt) "-" (cdr elt)))
- delete-list
- ", "))))
+      (if (or
+           (not prompt-user)
+           (yes-or-no-p
+            (if (= (length delete-list) 1)
+                (format "Delete package `%s-%s'? "
+                        (caar delete-list)
+                        (cdr (car delete-list)))
+              (format "Delete these %d packages (%s)? "
+                      (length delete-list)
+                      (mapconcat (lambda (elt)
+                                   (concat (car elt) "-" (cdr elt)))
+                                 delete-list
+                                 ", ")))))
   (dolist (elt delete-list)
     (condition-case-unless-debug err
  (package-delete (car elt) (cdr elt))

The new code in this patch negates the `prompt-user' value since we want to
apply the changes when the user is not prompted *or* in the case he must be
prompted then he must reply 'yes'.

Maybe a good Changelog line could be:
"* emacs-lisp/package.el(package-menu-execute): Don't prompt for the user when `package-menu-execute' is called non-interactively."

Tell me if I forget something, or if something is wrong for you.
