From: Jonathan CARRIERE <jonathan@Rocky8Master.mail-host-address-is-not-set>
Subject: 28.2; rgrep issue when called through C-x C-e
--text follows this line--
To reproduce the issue:
1. Paste this code in the *scratch* buffer : (rgrep "foo" "*.org" "~"
2. Execute it through C-x C-e
I get a backtrace with : 'Debugger entered--Lisp error:
(wrong-type-argument stringp nil)'.
If I call 'rgrep' interactively through `M-x rgrep'. Not only, it works
but it also make subsquent calls to grep through C-x C-e work.
Thank you for your support.
In GNU Emacs 28.2 (build 1, x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.22.30, cairo version 1.15.12)
of 2022-11-30 built on Rocky8Master
Windowing system distributor 'The X.Org Foundation', version 11.0.12101003
System Description: Rocky Linux 8.6 (Green Obsidian)
Configured features:
Important settings:
value of $LANG: fr_FR.UTF-8
value of $XMODIFIERS: @im=ibus
locale-coding-system: utf-8-unix
Major mode: Lisp Interaction
Minor modes in effect:
doom-modeline-mode: t
pyvenv-mode: t
global-anzu-mode: t
anzu-mode: t
ws-butler-mode: t
clean-aindent-mode: t
global-undo-tree-mode: t
undo-tree-mode: t
volatile-highlights-mode: t
delete-selection-mode: t
global-ede-mode: t
global-semantic-idle-scheduler-mode: t
global-semantic-idle-summary-mode: t
global-semanticdb-minor-mode: t
global-semantic-stickyfunc-mode: t
semantic-mode: t
helm-mode: t
helm-minibuffer-history-mode: t
shell-dirtrack-mode: t
helm--remap-mouse-mode: t
async-bytecomp-package-mode: t
yas-global-mode: t
yas-minor-mode: t
rainbow-delimiters-mode: t
which-key-mode: t
windmove-mode: t
projectile-mode: t
global-company-mode: t
company-mode: t
override-global-mode: t
tooltip-mode: t
global-eldoc-mode: t
eldoc-mode: t
show-paren-mode: t
electric-indent-mode: t
mouse-wheel-mode: t
menu-bar-mode: t
file-name-shadow-mode: t
global-font-lock-mode: t
font-lock-mode: t
blink-cursor-mode: t
auto-composition-mode: t
auto-encryption-mode: t
auto-compression-mode: t
line-number-mode: t
transient-mark-mode: t
Load-path shadows:
/home/jonathan/.emacs.d/elpa/transient-20230315.1520/transient hides /usr/local/share/emacs/28.2/lisp/transient
(shadow sort mail-extr emacsbug sendmail org-roam-migrate org-roam-log
org-roam-mode org-roam-capture org-roam-id org-roam-node org-roam-db
emacsql-sqlite-builtin org-roam-utils org-roam-compat org-roam
org-capture org-attach org-id org-refile emacsql-sqlite
emacsql-sqlite-common emacsql emacsql-compiler magit-section flyspell
org-element avl-tree ol-eww eww xdg url-queue mm-url ol-rmail ol-mhe
ol-irc ol-info ol-gnus nnselect gnus-search gnus-art mm-uu mml2015
mm-view mml-smime smime dig gnus-sum shr kinsoku svg dom gnus-group
gnus-undo gnus-start gnus-dbus gnus-cloud nnimap nnmail mail-source utf7
netrc nnoo gnus-spec gnus-int gnus-range message rmc puny rfc822 mml
mml-sec epa derived epg rfc6068 epg-config mm-decode mm-bodies mm-encode
mailabbrev gmm-utils mailheader gnus-win gnus nnheader gnus-util rmail
rmail-loaddefs mail-utils ol-docview doc-view jka-compr ol-bibtex
ol-bbdb ol-w3m ol-doi org-link-doi iedit iedit-lib helm-command
helm-elisp helm-eval edebug helm-info cl-print debug backtrace
find-dired semantic/decorate/mode vc-git vc-dispatcher winner image-file
image-converter helm-external helm-net tramp-archive tramp-gvfs
tramp-cache zeroconf dbus xml ffap doom-modeline doom-modeline-segments
doom-modeline-env doom-modeline-core shrink-path f f-shortdoc shortdoc
compat compat-29 vterm bookmark face-remap vterm-module term/xterm xterm
dichromacy-theme setup-python highlight-indentation flymake-proc flymake
warnings help-fns radix-tree elpy elpy-rpc pyvenv eshell esh-cmd esh-ext
esh-opt esh-proc esh-io esh-arg esh-module esh-groups esh-util
elpy-shell elpy-profile elpy-django s elpy-refactor diff-mode ido
cus-edit cus-load setup-perl shell-pop term disp-table ehelp shx
setup-tex setup-org ob-perl ob-python python tramp-sh ob-awk ob-plantuml
ob-ditaa ob-shell ob-C ispell org ob ob-tangle ob-ref ob-lob ob-table
ob-exp org-macro org-footnote org-src ob-comint org-pcomplete org-list
org-faces org-entities noutline outline org-version ob-emacs-lisp
ob-core ob-eval org-table oc-basic bibtex ol org-keys oc org-compat
org-macs org-loaddefs cal-menu calendar cal-loaddefs setup-c helm-cscope
xcscope imenu-list hideshow function-args semantic-directory semantic/ia
ivy ivy-faces ivy-overlay colir srefactor-lisp semantic/bovine/el
semantic/db-el eieio-opt srefactor srefactor-ui recentf tree-widget cl
srecode/semantic semantic/senator semantic/decorate srecode/insert
srecode/filters srecode/args srecode/find srecode/map srecode/ctxt
srecode/compile srecode/dictionary srecode/fields srecode/table srecode
semantic/doc semantic/db-file data-debug cedet-files semantic/bovine/c
hideif semantic/bovine/c-by semantic/lex-spp semantic/bovine/gcc
semantic/dep semantic/bovine semantic/analyze/refs semantic/db-find
semantic/db-ref auto-highlight-symbol ht flycheck dash company-c-headers
rx setup-editing anzu ws-butler dtrt-indent clean-aindent-mode undo-tree
diff queue advice volatile-highlights delsel setup-cedet ede/speedbar
ede/files ede ede/detect ede/base ede/auto ede/source eieio-speedbar
speedbar dframe eieio-custom wid-edit semantic/idle semantic/analyze
semantic/sort semantic/scope semantic/analyze/fcn semantic/format
ezimage semantic/tag-ls semantic/find semantic/ctxt semantic/db-mode
semantic/db eieio-base semantic/util-modes semantic/util semantic pp
semantic/tag semantic/lex semantic/fw mode-local find-func cedet cc-mode
cc-fonts cc-guess cc-menus cc-cmds cc-styles cc-align cc-engine cc-vars
cc-defs setup-helm-gtags helm-gtags pulse color which-func imenu
setup-helm helm-projectile helm-mode helm-misc helm-files image-dired
image-mode dired dired-loaddefs exif filenotify tramp tramp-loaddefs
trampver tramp-integration files-x tramp-compat shell pcomplete
parse-time iso8601 time-date ls-lisp helm-buffers helm-occur helm-tags
helm-locate helm-types helm-grep helm-regexp helm-utils helm-help helm
helm-global-bindings helm-easymenu helm-core async-bytecomp helm-source
helm-multi-match async format-spec helm-config helm-lib setup-general
yasnippet-snippets yasnippet ace-window avy rainbow-delimiters which-key
windmove projectile lisp-mnt mail-parse rfc2231 rfc2047 rfc2045 mm-util
ietf-drums mail-prsvr grep compile text-property-search comint
ansi-color ibuf-ext ibuffer ibuffer-loaddefs thingatpt company-oddmuse
company-keywords company-etags etags fileloop generator xref project
ring company-gtags company-dabbrev-code company-dabbrev company-files
company-clang company-capf company-cmake company-semantic
company-template company-bbdb company cl-extra help-mode edmacro kmacro
use-package use-package-ensure use-package-delight use-package-diminish
use-package-bind-key bind-key easy-mmode use-package-core finder-inf
pcase info package browse-url url url-proxy url-privacy url-expand
url-methods url-history url-cookie url-domsuf url-util mailcap
url-handlers url-parse auth-source cl-seq eieio eieio-core cl-macs
eieio-loaddefs password-cache json subr-x map url-vars seq byte-opt gv
bytecomp byte-compile cconv cl-loaddefs cl-lib iso-transl tooltip eldoc
paren electric uniquify ediff-hook vc-hooks lisp-float-type elisp-mode
mwheel term/x-win x-win term/common-win x-dnd tool-bar dnd fontset image
regexp-opt fringe tabulated-list replace newcomment text-mode lisp-mode
prog-mode register page tab-bar menu-bar rfn-eshadow isearch easymenu
timer select scroll-bar mouse jit-lock font-lock syntax font-core
term/tty-colors frame minibuffer cl-generic cham georgian utf-8-lang
misc-lang vietnamese tibetan thai tai-viet lao korean japanese eucjp-ms
cp51932 hebrew greek romanian slovak czech european ethiopic indian
cyrillic chinese composite emoji-zwj charscript charprop case-table
epa-hook jka-cmpr-hook help simple abbrev obarray cl-preloaded nadvice
button loaddefs faces cus-face macroexp files window text-properties
overlay sha1 md5 base64 format env code-pages mule custom widget
hashtable-print-readable backquote threads dbusbind inotify
dynamic-setting system-font-setting font-render-setting cairo
move-toolbar gtk x-toolkit x multi-tty make-network-process emacs)
Memory information:
((conses 16 1064638 568067)
(symbols 48 68774 170)
(strings 32 307285 66048)
(string-bytes 1 9839861)
(vectors 16 116596)
(vector-slots 8 2027635 604251)
(floats 8 651 2255)
(intervals 56 13822 2373)
(buffers 992 22))
----- Météo-France -----
Fixe : +33 561078133