The problem is not in them not disappearing, the problem is when one message (aka low-priority hint) shows when another message (high-priority aka linting) is displaying (effectively killing the high-priority message). The way to prevent this is to check if there's any message displaying at all before messaging a low-priority hint (which ensures that an unimportant hint never replaces a potentially more important message/minibuffer-message).

06.10.2020, 11:19, "Eli Zaretskii" <>:
 From: pinkanon pinkanon <>
 Cc: "" <>
 Date: Tue, 06 Oct 2020 10:52:23 +0300
 It's not only minibuffer editing though. It could be just regular messages/minibuffer-messages from anywhere
 else. For instance messages from a linter or some callback response from some connection letting you
 know something's been set up. I don't want my low-priority hinting covering any of that up.

The messages displayed by minibuffer-message will always disappear
after the timeout, or when some input event arrives. So they cannot
be a problem in your application, I think.

If you do see some problems, could you show some simple example of