Hi, Attached please find a stab at adjusting emacs selection interactions to be comfy for naive users. Not saying it's the best way for experienced text-processing emacs X11 users, who might well _like_ the fact killing interacts with PRIMARY, but this is how I made emacs "feel" more like other apps, and interact particularly nicely (maybe) with freedesktop.org compliant ones. N.B. I can certainly see the attractions of having more complex/powerful/traditional mouse-highlight and PRIMARY/SECONDARY/CLIPBOARD and kill-ring interactions for more advanced users, this was just a stab at making things act like a naive user might expect, I just present it as one data point - an expanded and cleaned up X11 selections handling system might want to permit something like this as one possible configuration in its configuration space. Explanation: 0. Transient mark mode => t . Of course. 1. mouse-drag-copy-region => nil. You can set this to nil to prevent the mouse highlight operation insta-copying the region to the kill ring. To get to the kill ring with the mouse, you have to highlight with the mouse (setting mark and point and making region active), then press C-w/M-w to kill. This obviously makes kill ring interaction "feel" more like a usual clipboard within emacs, and does away with an (imo confusing) difference between keyboard highlighting and mouse highlighting. 2. However, killing still interacts with PRIMARY unless you nullify interprogram-cut-function and interprogram-paste-function like mouse-sel mode does, or better, adjust the functions to go to CLIPBOARD rather than PRIMARY. So let's do the latter. By analogy with x-select-enable-clipboard, introduce x-select-enable-primary to x-select-text and x-cut-buffer-or-selection-value. When x-select-enable-primary is nil and x-select-enable-clipboard is t, then C-w/M-w go to CLIPBOARD, C-y only pulls from CLIPBOARD (yeah, I'm ignoring cut buffers here). Richard has just said he _likes_ C-y pulling in primary, but anyway, I think it should pull in CLIPBOARD and only clipboard, so adjust too - the option is there, by enabling x-select-enable-primary, to allow pulling from PRIMARY. (Next thought: should the customs be split into incoming and outgoing? :-) ) (BTW, x-select-text has the comment "gildea@stop.mail-abuse.org says it's not desirable to put kills in the clipboard." Well. Um.) 3. But now, the mouse highlighted region is not propagated to PRIMARY, as propagation to selection is currently done by copy-region-to-kill-ring which calls interprogram-cut-function, and if mouse-drag-copy-region is nil, that isn't called. So, to get other-X11-app-like freedesktop.org-like behaviour, you really need to hook, so that when the mark is active, region becomes PRIMARY (whether form the keyboard or from the mouse - Observe what e.g. oowriter or firefox does with keyboard-highlighted (usual shortuct: shift+arrow-keys) regions - they set PRIMARY, just like when you highlight with the mouse in them. Easy enough with a hook calling x-set-selection with activate-mark-hook (which is also called when the region changes shape). 4. But then, what about middle-button yanking? What should that do? Just insert PRIMARY if it exists, IMHO. Not that since PRIMARY is being set by the hook in 3, this also works merrily for emacs-to-emacs mouseing.