I have seen that using bask with a call to awk code does not colour highlight the awk syntax. It would be highly desirable if emacs could also highlight the awk code enclosed in single quotes. prax () { ## Print coloured function controls awk -v fgb="$blu" -v fgw="$wht" -v rst="$sgr" \ 'BEGIN { "tput sgr0" |& getline sgr "tput bold; tput setaf 15" |& getline wht "tput bold; tput setaf 39" |& getline blu } /Code:$/ { kl=1 ; next } !NF { kl=0 } kl { printf("%s%s%s\n", blu, $0, sgr) } !kl { printf("%s%s%s\n", wht, $0, sgr) } ' <<< "$@" }