Yes, definitely need to work on that. Just need some process sentinel and make the crdt—* variables buffer local. Also in terms of yanking problem, I tried with crdt.el itself and didn’t reproduce the bug. I then proceed to yank the whole emacs CHANGELOG.3 into it (that’s 100k lines!) and it’s slowly going through while almost hanging the emacsen — not sure if this is what you observed. Shall we discuss more in detail off list? > On Oct 5, 2020, at 10:03 AM, Jean Louis wrote: > > I have noticed, if the file is no longer edited, the process for CRDT, > collaboration in real time remains in memory, it can be seen with > list-processes, and it prevents opening a new file to be shared. > > It should be possible to open multiple files to be shared for real > time simultaneous editing, that would invoke multiple servers tied to > multiple buffers. > > And when buffer is no longer there, server on that port should stop I > guess.