Hi Sébastien, Sébastien G writes: > Hello. Any one have experience with GNU Globals an ggtags.el? unfortunately no, I've stopped using GNU Global half a decade ago when I ditched it for irony mode, which I later ditched for lsp-mode. > Is it good for Python, JS and C? > > I use irony-mode for C and anaconda-mode for Python. How GNU Globals + > ggtags.el is in comparison for code completion, code navigation and > documentation shown with eldoc? > > > Is lsp-mode better than all this for code completion, code navigation > and documentation shown with eldoc? lsp-mode is imho the better choice for both python and C as well as code completion, navigation, documentation and linting "just works (TM)". For python simply install python-language-server and for C I would recommend to use ccls (the language server) and lsp-ccls. Hope this helps, Dan