>>> "NO" == Noboru Ota writes: Hi > Hi everyone, > Wishing you all Happy Year 2022. The same to you > I would like to submit a new package named "Org-remark" to ELPA. > It lets you highlight and annotate any text file with using Org mode. That looks very interesting, but I believe from the video that it can work in other modes as well? > - GitHub repository: https://github.com/nobiot/org-remark I have some problems with the package: I am running org-mode 9.5 (actually master from a couple a weeks ago) and GNU emacs 29 (actually master from a couple a weeks ago) 1. When I clone the repository, and then want to open it (I might to edit the makefile) but then I obtain a message concerning the setting of variables because of the presence of .dir-locals.el. Is this really necessary. 2. When I then want to compile the files it does not work, since I did not had in set (setq load-path (cons (expand-file-name "~/ALLES/src/org-remark") load-path)) 3. There is a keybinding problem, at least for me: (define-key global-map (kbd "C-c n m") #'org-remark-mark) gives the following error, I attach Regards Uwe Brauer