Hello, I have some questions concerning metadata in minibuffer.el. 1) Five years ago (or more, time flies) we decided to create a defgeneric completion--adjust-metadata, as of now nothing has been done, do you plan to do this (Stefan)? Do you want a patch (would be simple in this case, not what's you had planned)? 2) As many things in minibuffer.el, it is unclear and not documented what the function in charge of adjusting metadata for flex style (the sort fns) is intended to do: Why does it sort completions with the previously generated sort fn and then sort with the newly generated sort fn on this sorted completions and so on (Joao)? This create after some usage huge metadata object (attached an example which is already quite big but can grow even more), is it expected? This also generates unexpected duplicate entries in metadata which make the metadata object even bigger (guess this one is not expected), it is not a problem in itself (i.e. it is working, assoc pickup the first one in alist in such cases) but looks unclean and may create other problems if used extensively. PS: I am now travelling and may not be able to answer or work on this before november. In the attached file is the compiled object, I can provide the not compiled version, one can reproduce by running completion-at-point with helm-mode enabled and helm-completion-style set to 'emacs, then hit C-h d (flex have to be in completion-styles and used). Thanks. -- Thierry