2019-05-27 Emacs news ===================== - Emacs configuration: - [Ladicle's Emacs Configuration] () - [Brandon's Emacs Init] () - [yiufung's dotemacs] () - Emacs Lisp: - [When to learn Elisp] () - [Exercises on the Emacs Lisp Track | Exercism] () - [Colorful ielm - font-locking comint] () ([Reddit] ()) - [Creating an emacs formatter the easy way - Some code and thoughts] () - [EMake for Simple Emacs Lisp Projects] () (2018) - [CEDET: Adding support for a new language] () - Emacs development: - [Planning next release of emacs-26 before key expires] () - [Better instructions for building from source] () - [New xref-show-definitions-function, xref-show-xrefs-function] () - [Rename xref--revert-xref-buffer to xref-refresh-results] () - [Add option to disable help completion autoloading (Bug#28607)] () - Appearance: - [prettify-symbols-mode is so cool] () ([Reddit] ()) - [prettify-utils.el: Prettify-utils provides helper functions to simplify configuration of prettify-symbols-mode.] () - [Anyone Use Focus, Did it Take You Time to Adapt?] () - Navigation: - [Why did you stop using Helm?] () - [Emacsnotes - Rectangle Commands: A handy tool for working with multi-columnar / tabular text] () - Org Mode: - [org-mode for browser bookmarks] () - [Long Form writing with Org-mode] () - [Single file Blog in org mode - update] () - [Org-mode basics by means of a simple TODO list] () - [What is your note-taking workflow?] () - [Does anyone use emacs as a simple source code change tracking tool?] () - [My Org Capture Templates - Part 1] () - [Using the Eisenhower Matrix in Emacs Org-Mode] () ([Reddit] ()) - [org-protocol] () (2017) - Coding: - [Spell Checking Comments] () - [emacs-application-framework: Develop any PyQt program, and integrate into Emacs.] () - [How I use Spacemacs and ESS (for R)] () - [Watch "Literate Devops with Emacs" on YouTube] () - [wrap-region: Emacs minor mode to wrap region with tag or punctuations] () - [Run Python test suites without leaving Emacs] () ([Reddit] ()) - [gtags (GNU global) in emacs for Scala] () - [Keeping top comments in source files updated using emacs] () (33:39) - [LSP for Python and Scala] () - [Magit Forge User and Developer Manual: Top] () - [Watch "Magit (in Spacemacs): The Absolute Minimum you need to know" on YouTube] () - Mail: - [If you use notmuch-emacs from MELPA, please note the need to match versions] () - Community: - [Emacs San Francisco Meetup: Saturday, June 1, 2019] () - [exercism.io: a call for a few more mentors for the elisp track.] () - [Weekly tips/trick/etc/ thread] () - Shell: - [How to improve shell experience in Emacs?] () - [aweshell:. Awesome shell extends eshell] () - History: - [emacs-18.59/netbsd: An attempt to build ancient emacs-18.59 on the latest NetBSD (and Linux)] () - [Emacs Lore] () - [More on Multics Emacs] () - Other: - [pinboard.el: Emacs client for Pinboard.] () - [Dealing with Jekyll Post URLs] () - [Why have you migrated from Vim to Emacs?] () - [Keyboard macros usage?] () - [What advantages does Emacs have over Neovim + Tmux?] () - [Is this worth trying to get this onto MELPA? - flycheck-aspell] () - [emacs-emmamux: Interact with tmux from Emacs.] () - [exwm-ff-tabs: Using ido to change "tabs" in Firefox!] () - [Emacs Blog Series] () - [Emacs on Chrome OS] () (2018) - [Emacs in a snap] () - [tiqsi-emacs: Fully self contained emacs IDE experience, including cloud remote connection for repl usage] () - Other software: - [emacs_shortcuts_ime: Enable emacs-like keybinds on ChromeOS] () - [open-emacs - Open file in Emacs (Atom package)] () - New packages: - docker-cli : Running various commands in docker containers - goto-last-point : Record and jump to the last point in the buffer. - magit-diff-flycheck : Report errors in diffs - rfc-mode : RFC document browser and viewer - realgud-node-inspect : Realgud front-end to newer "node inspect" - realgud-node-debug : Realgud front-end to older "node debug" - realgud-jdb : Realgud front-end to Java's jdb debugger" Links from [reddit.com/r/emacs] (), [/r/orgmode] (), [/r/spacemacs] (), [/r/planetemacs] (), [Hacker News] (), [planet.emacslife.com] (), [YouTube] (), the changes to the [Emacs NEWS file] (), and [emacs-devel] (). You're receiving this message via the Emacs Tangents mailing list. View list info/unsubscribe: https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/emacs-tangents