Friedrich Delgado Friedrichs wrote: >Hi >Alexander Poslavsky schrieb: >> > I was wondering if you could elaborate on the following. Are you >> > suggesting that new users should never use M-x customize? >> Well, I don't know about anybody else, but I *never* use it. I think it is awful. But then, what do I know…. >---Zitatende--- >Maybe that's a bit opinionated for a tutorial then. I do use M-x >customize and I believe it has its merits. I only use M-x customize to look what lever I can pull but pointing at customize for a user who is new to Emacs, Org and, in turn, elisp seems to me a really good sugestion. Not just for the user, but maybe for the authors of the tutorial: You don't have to explain elisp when talking about customization options. -- David -- OpenPGP... 0x99ADB83B5A4478E6 Jabber.... Email.....